On 23 March 2014 12:53, Quiddity <pandiculation@gmail.com> wrote:
Some of us power-users are mouse and GUI aficionados. ;)
Eg. I use this FF add-on, to remove unwanted elements from the context menu, and place my 3 custom searches at the top: http://menueditor.mozdev.org/
Like so: http://i.imgur.com/r49wiez.png

That said, I would be annoyed if a site started changing my context menu, without asking.
This sort of adjustment would be well-suited to a Gadget or Preference, but not as a site-default. (Which I suspect is what Max intended, when he submitted the image/idea to the mailing list. :)

Well, right now this is (~) Firefox-only. At some point, it or an equivalent might make its way into the HTML5 standard process (or have, at least, a direct equivalent for WebKit and Blink as well as Gecko), but that's a while off.

If so, and this UX trope becomes somewhat well-known and wide-spread by users, we could possibly use this for some of the more complex context-sensitive editing functions inside VisualEditor​ (e.g. "insert column" in a table context). Also, given our mobile-equality commitment, it would have to be a supplementary control (no context menus in mobile), with an alternative ways of doing all the same tasks, which changes the balance of these controls into being mostly toys, sadly.

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

jforrester@wikimedia.org | @jdforrester