Good work, Prateek. Just some quick comments:
- Facilitating input. For adding categories it may be useful to provide more support than asking to write each category in a textarea line. Although the control can be presented as a text area, it would be helpful that it behaves like the recipient list of many apps (where items are auto-completed and visually added as items and not just text).
- Reducing complexity. The UI shows all sections at the same level of prominence. If some parts are less likely to be modified (or you can provide good default values) you can make those more compact. Some examples (you need to evaluate the right prominence level according to the real/expected use):
- If it is uncommon to provide the tutorial info, that part of the form can be replaced by a "Add tutorial" link that reveals the form part once it is clicked.
- Fields asking for user input can be presented in a more compact way while they are not being edited, becoming expanded once the user is editing them.
- Clarity. For some fields the placeholder is "WikiText". Although that clarifies that you can use rich formatted text, it provides no information on the purpose of the field. If it is a description it should indicate that it is a description, and it may additionally inform that wikitext is allowed.
Hope this helps