Hi Nick! 

Abnother question for you: where should the wiki logo be for this skin? how can the wikiadmin customize it? I mean the logo in the upper right corners seems to be not on its proper place.
Yury Katkov

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Yury Katkov <katkov.juriy@gmail.com> wrote:
The skinning is a very actual problem for MediaWiki. The skin is very nice, you're the great designer! I think it would be ideal for the classic encyclopedias. I tried to signup but I still don't have the rights to upload the file to see how the text full of pictures will look like. 
Yury Katkov

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Nick White <nick.white@durham.ac.uk> wrote:

I'm new to the list, and the mediawiki world. If this would be
better directed elsewhere, let me know.

I recently came across a skin for Mediawiki called Erudite[1], which
is based on a Wordpress theme of the same name[2].

I updated it to the work well with the current Mediawiki version,
fix bugs, and try and ensure everything was general enough that it
should work on any wiki with any extensions. As I say, I'm new to
mediawiki, so my ideas on the best ways of doing things come largely
from a blog post[3], the mediawiki wiki, and delving into
mediawiki's code for things I wasn't sure about. It's possible I
didn't follow best practises in some places, but I certainly tried

I set up a new wiki demoing the skin (editing and creating accounts
is enabled; try it out,) here:
And the code is all here:
If anybody interested could take a look, and give me feedback, that
would be wonderful.

I'd also ideally love the skin to be taken as one of the standard
skins that is distributed with mediawiki. I think it's very
attractive, and quite different to the other mediawiki themes I
found, so could be a good fit. Might that be possible? How would I
go about pushing that forward?

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing back from folks.

Nick White

1: http://www.unifiedrepublicofstars.com/reference/The_Unified_Republic_of_Stars:Skin
2: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/the-erudite
3: http://blog.redwerks.org/2012/02/08/mediawiki-skinning-tutorial/

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