On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:23 AM, Maryana Pinchuk <mpinchuk@wikimedia.org> wrote:
For the multiple upload workflow, I prefer option 1 (creating a default title + sequential number for each image, and allowing the user to edit the description/add categories after upload).

The multiple upload itself (without the post upload actions) has been implemented, should be out on the play store today or tomorrow :)

I'm still wondering whether there's any real merit in making the user enter a custom title and a description, though. There's more thinking and room for error involved on the user's part (if they pick a filename that's taken, they won't be able to upload), and in practice most titles and descriptions are identical. I know this is a legacy workflow from desktop uploading, but I still think we should shake things up a bit and push for less work on the user's part/more streamlined metadata :)

Dirty secret: The Android app doesn't yet check for name collisions, and will happily replace them. The reason I've not been torched & pitchforked by the community yet is because the app uses .jpeg as extension, rather than .jpg, thus avoiding a majority of the collisions :) Should be something that is fixed at some point (soon!), yes. I still haven't figured out how the UX for that should look like ('this title already exists, please rename'). Should do at some point. Suggestions for this welcome!

Yuvi Panda T