Hi Jared - thanks for your feedback it is much welcomed!

So quite a few things have changed since this e-mail after adhoc conversations with Maryana. Apologies for not keeping you up to date I had assumed lack of interest ! :)

In terms of first load a bug was filed and fixed: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48525

The preview has changed to show the image and the first paragraph of text only:

Text has changed to more ambiguous "Needs photo". This was because since the page also works on desktop where there is no photo uploader this was confusion.

In terms of the refresh icon it depends if we want to push nearby to stable tomorrow or next week and polish it some more - that call is up to Howie. The refresh icon like we use it seems to be a design pattern - it is used in Foursquare for example to refresh the places you can check into so I'm not sure it is that confusing but designers please prove to me otherwise and suggest a better one :)

In terms of imperial units we have talked about this and don't think we should block on this. We imagine in future it would be trivial to have a site wide user preference to control this but this is a fair chunk of work.

Direction sounds like an interesting feature. We've talked about integrating with native apps like Google Maps to help people navigate to places. Again this is something we decided to not block on and add later.

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Jared Zimmerman <jared.zimmerman@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Jon, replies in-line

Jared Zimmerman  \\  Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia Foundation               

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Jon Robson <jrobson@wikimedia.org> wrote:
We currently have a goal to push our nearby feature to stable next week.

Your feedback on the current page would thus be greatly appreciated:

In particular please focus on these outstanding concerns remembering
this is a first pass and we should focus on the most essential things:
1) Copy text - in particular is it clear that certain pages need
photos and how to do that?

Jared — in list view the call to action is clear, but perhaps too long? will this string length be a problem in german?
how about "Contribute image for location"

2) Refreshing the list of nearby results - is the icon choice correct
and how is the user experience?
Jared — I think its ok, but could be improved, right now it just says "refresh" to me, not update my location, If May or I have some time today perhaps we can get you a new asset, when is you code submission target?

On first load of the page, the error, needs to have location enabled browser and javascript enabled still shows, it would be great to not show that on first load…
3) Is the preview useful? (the preview is mobile only and activated
when you click on an article) - does the experience break without it?
(to get an idea of how it might work without try the desktop version
at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Nearby or click "Read this
article in full" before reading the preview and click back button to
get back to the nearby view

Jared — The preview is ok but the image upload call to action isn't on it, which is a BIG problem for people who followed the link on the previous screen, few things that i think should change
  • for pages with images, include the thumbnail from the list view on the preview page

  • For pages without images, include the contribute photo on the preview page

4) Any styling tweaks you'd recommend (especially with respect to the
article preview)?

Jared — add Read article in full link to both the bottom and top of the preview, reduce the margins (to 0px?) for images on the preview page

Some feedback to the list page
  • for imperial units countries use ft rather than m for distance to location

  • say "XX ft away"
  • make sure the row heights are the same, currently they fluctuate 
  • for distance to location, can you say which direction they are? 150 ft north? if not "away" is fine, but giving a direction might be nice.
One way to increase confidence in the accuracy of the location would be to show the current location of the user on a map, here are two other apps for some inspiration of a mini map on top of a list view… 


Thanks for your feedback - all much appreciated!

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