On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Brandon Harris <bharris@wikimedia.org> wrote:

        The problem I have here is that if I allow my eyes to blur a bit with the image at the expected resolution (half the size of the screenshot), it appears as a grey smudge.  I'm only aware that there is a control there because I know there's supposed to be one.

[Insert standard message here, concerning: 
Text lighter than #777 on a white background, will not pass WCAG.
Everything lighter than @colorGray7 should probably be explicitly cautioned-against for text, in the styleguide.*

The defaults have to be accessible, until such time as there's an easy appearance menu for everyone to tweak their preferred/required aesthetics.

* with the possible exception-that-defines-the-rule, of placeholder-class text, such as in the SearchBox, where nobody needs to be able to read what it says to use the interface successfully. This really only applies to utterly obvious locations like a searchbox, that typically have a button labelled "Search" right next to them.  Currently as the placeholder text colors, our vector searchbox uses #757575 (but it only has a magifying glass icon, so that contrast is needed), and our login-form uses #898989. The monobook searchbox uses #959595, but it has buttons labelled "Go" & "Search".  (in firefox, according to colorzilla)

For an example of where disabled checkboxes appear, see here. The "Invert selection" checkbox is disabled, until we change the "Namespace" dropdown/drawer-menu option. You can then check a box, and then change the dropdown back to "All", to see a Checked&Disabled box.
(Compare with https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges )
