Body of email: Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details); Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, all versions. Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Featured Picture category: Animals (Birds)
Česky: Vlha běločelá (Merops bullockoides) Dansk: Hvidpandet biæder (Merops bullockoides). Deutsch: Ein Weißstirnspint (Merops bullockoides) English: Merops bullockoides (White-fronted Bee-eater) Español: Abejaruco de frente blanca (Merops bullockoides) Suomi: Jokimehiläissyöjä (Merops bullockoides) Français: Merops bullockoides (Guêpier à front blanc) Magyar: Fehérfejű gyurgyalag (Merops bullockoides) Italiano: Gruccione frontebianca (Merops bullockoides). 日本語: シロビタイハチクイ (Merops bullockoides) 한국어: 흰목벌잡이새 (Merops bullockoides) Македонски: Белочелна пчеларка (Merops bullockoides) Nederlands: witkapbijeneter (Merops bullockoides) Polski: Żołna białoczelna Português: Abelharuco-de-testa-branca (Merops bullockoides). Русский: Белолобая щурка (Merops bullockoides). Slovenščina: Legat vrste Merops bullockoides 中文(简体): 白额蜂虎(Merops bullockoides) 中文(繁體): 白額蜂虎(Merops bullockoides)