Statistic Segment | Description | Status | Source URL(s) | Notes / Feedback |
Global (Total) | Total Cases, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths | Live | |
Country (Total) | Total Cases, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths | Live | |
US > State/ Territory (Total) | Total Cases, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths | Live | |
Global (Daily) | Daily Cases, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths | Live | | Missing daily recoveries numbers |
Country (Daily) | Daily Cases, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths | In Progress (Apr-05) |
Pages linked from the main page table | Coverage is not perfect (not available in all countries). Google is hoping to get info on at least the top 50 countries. |
US > State/ Territory (Daily) | Daily Cases, Total Recoveries, Total Deaths | In Progress (Apr-05) |
Pages linked from the main page table |
Country > Testing | Total Tests, Positive Tests, Tests/Million People, Positive/Thousand Tests | In Progress (Apr-05) | | Information is currently only a snapshot view. Google is still looking for tests over time. |
Global > Age, Gender, Severity | Distribution of cases by age, gender and severity | Planned (Apr-12) | Missing data | Information is limited to a small number of countries. Google is hoping to get this information for all countries. |
Country > Age, Gender, Severity | Distribution of cases by age, gender and severity | Planned (Apr-12) | ttps://
Pages linked from the main page table | Information is limited to a small number of countries. Google is hoping to get this information for all countries. |
US > State/ Territory > Age, Gender, Severity | Distribution of cases by age, gender and severity | Planned (Apr-12) |
Pages linked from the main page table |