I believe Wikinews is planing on covering wikimania. I don't know if our coverage can be adapted or not for this.


On 7/11/07, Sandy Ordonez <sordonez@wikimedia.org> wrote:
This is probably being discussed somewhere, but it would be nice if a
team of Wikinews volunteers covered wikimania, and then, we could use
their coverage to send to reporters/interested parties, etc. after the
conference. (IE announce if it was a success, show highlights, etc.)

Does anyone know is there is a group of Wikinews individuals who are
planning on doing this.

Ie, we can send out email to press list and then post on wikimedia
foundation site.

Is anyone interested in this project? Please email me, and I'll set up
project page on ComProj Calendar.



Sandy Ordonez
Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
Phone: 727.231.0101
Fax: 727.258.0207S
E-Mail: sordonez@wikimedia.org

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