On 7/6/07, Magnus Manske <magnusmanske@googlemail.com> wrote:
On 7/6/07, Charli Li <chengli1@verizon.net> wrote:
> I dunno about turning this on for everyone; perhaps a discussion at
> the VP should suffice.

Will do so.

> Also, this is confirmed working for Firefox 3.0a7pre (Minefield),
> however there is one small bug:
> http://lirepublik.110mb.com/images/ResizeGalleries.png .  Does this
> happen to everyone using this?

You mean the missing borders around the thumbnails? Firefox
shows them all right, as do Opera 9.2x and IE7. Maybe it's where the
"0a7 pre" comes into play? :-)


I have a problem with the thumbs being just a *tad* too wide for the screen.... as you can see in Vishwin's  screenshot he had to scroll to the right a tad to show the edges of the right-most images. It isn't by much but is a tad annoying; bug or is there a way to fix it?

  ~Editor at Large