Nemo: It could be great to develop together with you, because if we all try solve the same problem everywhere at the same time we will have tons of different solutions.

A quick look into the metadata in your link shows that it fits the Artwork template! And also artwork properties in Wikidata

You say free text description from Wikidata. AFAIK that will not be stored. Unless you mean a sophisticated way of constructing natural language from the facts?

But what we aim to provide in the tool are ways to extract facts from natural language. Not any sophisticated tools yet but that would be possible as well, using some learning technology.

Please have a look, and tell what you think about our plan


2015-11-20 15:31 GMT+02:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <>:
This is definitely needed and there is some interest; the last discussion seems to be <>, while others are outdated:

Around January, Wikimedia Italia will need to upload images of some 900 items like this:
I doubt our properties are standard enough to be available or useful to others; mainly I'd want to transclude the free text description of the item from Wikidata. (So that later even Wikipedia articles could use it if needed.)


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