On 7/7/07, Magnus Manske <magnusmanske@googlemail.com> wrote:
On 7/7/07, Ayelie <ayelie.at.large@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to go with the flow I tested it on
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:User-Coolcat.svg ,
> and when clicking on the (+) icon the box appeared (very cool how it
> suggests things, btw... though it did interfere with my typing somewhat,
> made it stall a tad), I typed in my text, and then it opened the edit page;
> but there were no changes made to the text.
> Is it supposed to automatically add [[Category:Foo]] at the bottom of the
> page and then you just click "save", or is everything supposed to be
> automatic? Just wondering, but great work on such short notice :)

It is fully automatic if you include it on your monobook.js page, as
described (I tried it on that image, check the history:-)

You probably clicked on the link I provided as "[1]". This uses the
"script test mode", which unfortunately does not carry to the next
page, so no text was added.

Right now, I am working on category removal via a "(-)" link after
each category. Once that is done, I'll glue it together to have a
"replace" mode for free :-) Any suggestions as to what the link for
replacing a category should look like? "(X)", maybe?


Nope, I added it to my monobook and force reloaded, etc. same as when adding all scripts.

Symbol for replacing a category?  Hm.  Adding is (+),  removing is (-);  (X) would be "delete"  I think, not replace. What about (<--) or (¡ê) ? Or more detailed, though longer; (--><--), (+ <--), (<-- +), (<-- + -->). I'm thinking about the icons used on "merge" templates on wikipedia; hard to represent in a few one-line characters :) You could even go simpler and use (*) though people won't know what it indicates right away. What about (¡¾)? remove one category, add another?

  ~Editor at Large