This invaluable user feedback is helping us evaluate what our users think of this tool and address issues that are important to our community.
As of May 5, we had collected 1,727 responses in eight different languages: Catalan, Dutch, English, French, Hungarian, Spanish and Portuguese. Most of the responses came from these three large pilots: Dutch, French and Hungarian.
Here are our key findings:
65% of survey respondents find Media Viewer useful, across all languages. About 28% do not find it useful, and 7% are not sure.
73% of readers find the tool useful -- more so than editors (66%) or active editors (49%).
The majority of survey respondents are readers (56%), but editors (30%) and active editors (14%) are well represented.
Approval rates have been increasing over time (e.g.: Hungarian approval started around 42%, and is now up to 57%).
More users found Media Viewer useful on sites in English (72%) or French (71%) than on sites in Dutch (53%) or Hungarian (57%).
Here are the most frequent requests from 1,140 comments:
Want zoom (21%)
Too slow (20%)
More image sizes (8%)
Want full screen or larger images (5%)
Can't find info (5%)
Were learning a lot from this feedback and already developing solutions to address these issues.
For a full report with graphs and our next steps, visit this results page:
For more detailed survey data, check out this spreadsheet:
We hope you too will find this feedback helpful. Surveys like these are invaluable for hearing what users think of our tools, as well as for prioritizing which issues to address first.
We plan to post more survey updates next week, with a focus on the Spanish and Portuguese releases and again at the end of May, after the English and German releases.
Regards as ever,
Fabrice Florin
Product Manager, Multimedia
Wikimedia Foundation