The tool should be stable. It should save my upload session, should my internet connection drop or computer crash or even let me pause the uploading. My upload speed at home is not that fast, so it always takes a while and
Also, with commonist, I know some or all of my files transferred but I don't see them anywhere on commons. Except three images somehow showed up. When I tried again overnight, it managed to transfer everything, but the tool needed to create gallery pages for me before the upload finalized. If it fails in this last step, my file transfer apparently is canceled and files lost. I really don't care about having a gallery of my images, but simply please let my images be transferred.
With Commonplace, I couldn't even start the upload. It froze when I clicked "upload" after entering my username and password. I have no clue why, but the interface on the tool seemed nice. Would be good to get that tool working well.
Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On 8/26/07, Aude <> wrote:
>> I tried Commonist. It crashed halfway through with half the files
>> supposedly transferred, when my internet connection dropped briefly. None
> Feh. Improving that tool (or providing something like it) should be on
> our priority list.
What features should the ultimete-upload-tool have?
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