A PDF on how to contribute to Commons, by Sage Ross.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daria Cybulska <daria.cybulska@wikimedia.org.uk>
Date: 7 August 2013 15:37
Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] 'Illustrating Wikipedia brochure' - your thoughts?
To: UK Wikimedia mailing list <wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

Hi All, 

A new brochure about Wikimedia Commons has been produced. Designed to be a companion brochure to the Welcome to Wikipedia brochure, it covers what Commons is, how to upload files, how to use files, and the basics of free licenses - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Illustrating_Wikipedia_brochure.pdf

We would like to have a version printed in the UK as well. What are your thoughts on the content? Do you think we already have a brochure that does the job better?

Do let Stevie know (stevie.bentonatwikimedia.org.uk) - we may even manage to get it ready for Wiki Loves Monuments in September!

Many thanks, 
Daria Cybulska - Programme Manager, Wikimedia UK

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