I agree there is a logical fallacy in the original argument. That, however, is no reason to bring up an irrelevant debate about a hotly disputed topic. I certainly didn't get the suggestion we should disregard the original argument due to it allegedly being racist out of what you said, and I doubt many people did. Either way, I'm sure commons community members will not vote based on racist comments.

On Dec 6, 2007 2:55 PM, Oldak Quill <oldakquill@gmail.com> wrote:
On 06/12/2007, Yonatan Horan <yonatanh@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, they are irrelevant. Regardless of my views on the images at hand (and
> no, I don't think they should be deleted altogether), nobody cares if you
> think Zionism = racism and it has nothing to do with whether we should or
> shouldn't keep these images.

The original poster opened with "The page
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ariel_Sharon in commons includes
racist cartoons against a representative of the Jewish nation, and thus,
against the Jewish people themselves."

To state that cartoons against the representatives of "the Jewish
nation" is "against the Jewish people themselves" is a statement of
racism. I wouldn't make the point that Zionism=racism if it weren't
relevant to the discussion. The point really isn't that
Zionism=racism, the point is that these comments in particular are

I didn't state that we should keep/delete the photos because
Zionism=racism, I suggested we shouldn't allow the racism of those
comments to influence this discussion or our decision.

Oldak Quill (oldakquill@gmail.com)

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