Nemo - follow up question, is there a published case study anywhere in any language?

I am not aware of WMF legal ever getting involved in these sorts of cases. Chasing copyright violations or managing a project to defend against copyright vio seems more like a project for any Wikimedia chapter or community organization to do, perhaps with WMF grant funding support. Comparable organizations like YouTube, Facebook etc also do not provide direct legal support to their user base and I cannot imagine the wiki community and WMF coming to any agreement for doing this either.

I know there are lists on English Wikipedia or somewhere of instances of publications plagiarizing Wikipedia text. I am unable to find the links right now, but I have seen several compilations somewhere. I am not aware of any of those cases going to court either.

There is a commercial service at
Their business model is to find reuse of images in violation of copyright then to shake down the thief for cash. Whatever they collect they give half to the copyright holder. If anyone were to advance the cause of Wiki-policing then considering pixsy's model of justice might be a place to start the conversation.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 9:09 PM, Gnangarra <> wrote:
I think this is one instance where the WMF Legal should act on behalf of the all the photographers rather than leave it to individuals who may not have the ability to hire someone.  This would set a very clear precedent about sch activities from images Donated to WMF projects, WMF, WLM team, and the wider community have moral obligation to ensure that the rights of those that contributed to the competition are respected.

On 4 January 2018 at 04:12, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Lane Rasberry, 03/01/2018 21:59:
There has never been a lawsuit for inappropriate reuse of cc media, has there?


Does anyone even know of a case of a copyright holder getting paid without a lawsuit in such a case?

Sure. It's easier for works released with a non-commercial license and used for blatantly commercial purposes, of course.


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Lane Rasberry
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