
We are making good progress on Media Viewer (1), our new multimedia browser -- and we invite you to test the current beta version v0.2 in coming weeks, so we can get it ready for wider release.

We’ve recently developed a number of new features, which are listed at the top of our discussion page (2) for Media Viewer. We would love it if you could try the ones labeled ‘ready for testing’. You can also review our specifications for features that are ‘coming soon’ — and hope you can help test them as well later this month (we release new code every Thursday).

We also invite you to join our Media Viewer Chat on IRC (3), this Friday, February 21, 2014 at 18:00 UTC. This is a good opportunity to talk about these features together -- and our development team will be ready to discuss your questions and suggestions over Wikimedia's Office IRC Channel.

We’ll send more updates on this product as it develops. Our goal is to release the current version of Media Viewer v.0.2 by the end of this quarter on a few pilot sites — with a wider release next quarter. We are also starting design work on the next version v0.3, which would support more media file formats such as audio and video, to be developed next quarter. (4)

We look forward to discussing this project with you on-wiki and via IRC very soon.

All the best,

on behalf of the Multimedia Team (5)

(1) About Media Viewer:

(2) Media Viewer Discussion page:

(3) Media Viewer Chat on IRC:

(4) Media Viewer Next Version v0.3:

(5) Multimedia Project Hub:


Fabrice Florin
Product Manager, Multimedia
Wikimedia Foundation