@Bryan: this is great! In fact, https://sge-jobs.toolforge.org/tool/huji completely serves my current needs. I added the links to the Grid page on the Wikitech wiki.

@Brooke: thanks for the -xml idea. As it turns out, that is what Bryan's code uses too. Nevertheless, I cannot get it to work. The PHP code shown below returns a blank page at https://huji.toolforge.org/status.php 

$out = shell_exec('qstat -xml');

In fact, I even went so far as using the exact command I found in Bryan's code which is /usr/bin/qstat -xml -j '*' | /bin/sed -e 's/JATASK:[^>]*/jatask/g' but even that results in a blank output on the web. On the command line, both of those return an XML as expected. Any ideas as to how that could be the case?

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 6:18 PM Bryan Davis <bd808@wikimedia.org> wrote:
On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 2:16 PM Huji Lee <huji.huji@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Some of the jobs I submit to the grid take a long time (say, 30-60 minutes) and I would like to check on their status without having to log back into the labs.
> I was hoping I could run shell_exec('qstat') in PHP and display its output on a web page. While shell_exec() works with other commands—e.g. echo shell_exec('whoami') correctly displays my tool's username on the webpage—for reasons I cannot explain, the output of shell_exec('qstat') is always blank. When I run qstat on the CLI at that same time, it does show me the familiar table output of ongoing jobs.
> Any idea why that is the case? Has anyone already created a solution for fetching a list of active jobs from the grid and displaying it on a web-based status page for your tool?

I've not done it for a single tool, but I did it for all tools:
* https://sge-status.toolforge.org/
* https://sge-jobs.toolforge.org/

The source for both are linked from their page footers.

You can fetch the current grid job status as json too via

Bryan Davis              Technical Engagement      Wikimedia Foundation
Principal Software Engineer                               Boise, ID USA
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