These changes have been released. Please report issues in the #wikimedia-cloud channel on irc. Thanks!

On Jun 29, 2021, at 4:25 PM, Brooke Storm <> wrote:

Hello cloud users,
We will be releasing webservice version 0.75 this week to Toolforge. Most of the changes should not be noticed (upgrading to python 3, preparing for grid system upgrades in the future), however, there is a change for some people who have started to use the service.template feature ( This change affects the way webservice templates are found by adding more locations. It will automatically check certain code directories for your template besides $HOME, but it will throw an error if you have a symlink to one of these locations back to your tool’s home directory. The locations besides $HOME that this checks for a service.template are
* ~/www/python/src
* ~/www/js
* ~/public_html

If you are affected by that, then simply remove the symlink in $HOME, and it should work fine. If you are not symlinking a service.template back to your tool’s home directory, you should not notice any changes.

When the release is complete, I’ll send a followup email and record it in SAL.

Brooke Storm
Staff SRE
Wikimedia Cloud Services