Hi all!

This is to let you know that Toolforge continuous jobs now support health-checks!

To use it you need to provide `--health-check-script ./script.sh` while creating 
your job. You can also provide the script as a string like this 
`--health-check-script "cat /etc/os-release"`. Toolforge will periodically attempt 
to execute your health-check script inside your running job and will restart 
your job if the script completes with an exit code of 1.

Note: if you use a script file for health-check, do not forget to make the file
executable (chmod u+x script.sh). If toolforge can't execute your health-check 
script, your job will never start.

Also a reminder that you can find this and smaller user-facing updates about
the Toolforge platform features here:

Original task: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T335592

Ndibe Raymond Olisaemeka
Software Engineer - Technical Engagement

Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>