On Apr 6, 2021, at 11:49 AM, Huji Lee <huji.huji@gmail.com> wrote:

Pardon my potentially dumb question, but how do the shorter DB names get resolved?

I have python code that looks like this:

conn = mysqldb.connect(host="enwiki.labsdb", db="enwiki_p", read_default_file="~/replica.my.cnf")

How does enwiki.labsdb get resolved to, I am assuming, enwiki.web.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud and will this stop working on April 28th?

Those names were deprecated years ago and are not maintained (they only work for a certain fraction of databases). They are just CNAMES exactly like the others:
enwiki.labsdb. 871 IN CNAME s1.analytics.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs.

I did mass grepping in Toolforge NFS and didn’t find any uses of them. So, I’m surprised they are still used anywhere, but recursive greps can miss things. 

So on those names:
1. Please don’t use them anyway because they will certainly go away at some point and only work for the oldest wikis.
2. Since they point at the old DNS names for the sections, they go wherever they go. If we redirect them to the new cluster, they’ll just keep working like before.

They honestly need to be cleaned up (as part of the overall removal of “labs” names), but that’s a separate task that needs communication and so forth.

—Brooke Storm