Well, username is also a private information according the page MarcoAurelio linked, so I would need to solve it anyway. I don't need to have the emails but what if somebody w/o account at WP would like to use this?


so 10. 2. 2018 v 13:37 odesílatel Francisco Venancio <fvenancio@wikimedia.org> napsal:
Do you need the users' emails or sending them email messages enough? 

MediaWiki api could be used to send emails to users that have email set in their preference. 

See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Emailuser

Chico Venancio
Cloud Services Technical Support

Em 10 de fev de 2018 09:27, "Martin Urbanec" <martin.urbanec@wikimedia.cz> escreveu:

so 10. 2. 2018 v 13:23 odesílatel Guilherme Gonçalves <guilherme.p.gonc@gmail.com> napsal:
Hi Martin,

I'm not authoritative on PII policies at all, but here's a couple of things that came to mind as I read your question.

2018-02-10 11:26 GMT+00:00 Martin Urbanec <martin.urbanec@wikimedia.cz>:
To prevent this tool from spamming I of course require its confirmation by accessing an URL with a random string (MD5 hash of user's email and random number from 1 to 100; I mean, those two things are in one hash).

Does this mean the URL for a given email address can be guessed in at most 100 attempts by someone who doesn't control the address? I think you'd typically want to draw your random numbers from a much larger range, or use as token something that was encrypted or signed with a secret only your server knows. It would probably also make sense to make your URLs valid for only a certain time.

*1000, but increased to 10 000 000, which should be big enough. I also can use more qualit hash than MD5 which will slow it down even more. 

Should I stop with collecting mails at all and use some WMF-maintained service for mass-emailing (mailman at lists.wikimedia.org maybe?) and make the tool to just send an email to the list itself? 

If creating a single mailing list is an option (for instance, you don't plan on customizing the emails per user), this seems like a very good way to go.

It is, this just was the easiest way for me when I was writing the tool.  

This question came to my mind before creating, so I do appologize for asking after programming. 

Best regards, 
Martin Urbanec
Můj kalendář najdete na https://martin.urbanec.cz/calendar.html

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Cloud@lists.wikimedia.org (formerly labs-l@lists.wikimedia.org)

Guilherme P. Gonçalves
Wikimedia Cloud Services mailing list
Cloud@lists.wikimedia.org (formerly labs-l@lists.wikimedia.org)
Můj kalendář najdete na https://martin.urbanec.cz/calendar.html

Wikimedia Cloud Services mailing list
Cloud@lists.wikimedia.org (formerly labs-l@lists.wikimedia.org)

Wikimedia Cloud Services mailing list
Cloud@lists.wikimedia.org (formerly labs-l@lists.wikimedia.org)
Můj kalendář najdete na https://martin.urbanec.cz/calendar.html