Thank you.  That would have definitely kept me from getting off on the wrong track.

On Sep 11, 2020, at 1:16 PM, Subramanya Sastry <> wrote:

See now.  -Subbu.

On 9/10/20 10:53 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
Could you update to indicate that?  Even just a note saying, "This is an internal API.  For external use, see", or something like that.  The way thing are now, it looks like this is the API you're supposed to be using, and the routes just don't respond.  There's no way for a reader to differentiate between, "The documentation is wrong" vs, "I'm doing something wrong".

On Sep 10, 2020, at 11:38 AM, Subramanya Sastry <> wrote:

HI Roy,

Sorry it took a while before we could respond.

On 9/4/20 12:40 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
I know there's been a ton of work done of Parsoid lately.  This is great, and the amount of effort that's gone into this functionality is really appreciated.  It's clear that Parsoid is the way of the future, but the documentation of how you get a Parsoid parse tree via an AP call isI kind of confusing.

I found, which looks like it's long out of date.  The last edit was almost 2 years ago.  As far as I can tell, most of what it says is obsolete, and refers to a series of /v3 routes which don't actually exist.

That page is not out of date. That refers to Parsoid's API which is what you would use if you were querying Parsoid directly. When we ported Parsoid from JS to PHP, we ensured that the API routes didn't change. What changed was the base url of the Parsoid service (so clients could simply switch this URL in the configuration without having to change their code).

For example,<title>/<revid> works if you curl this url on a production server (if you have access). But this Parsoid API is not accessible on the public internet. However,'s Parsoid API is currently accessible on the public internet. So, for example: works. So, you can verify that the API routes on the Parsoid wiki page will work on

But, anyway, this is not directly relevant to your usecase unless you are directly contacting a Parsoid service somewhere. In production wikimedia wikis, as I said, Parsoid's API isn't public (it wasn't public with the JS version either). You can only access Parsoid content via RESTBase's public API which you reference below.

I also found, which seems more in line with the current reality.

Yes, this is the API that RESTBase provides. Behind the scenes, it accesses Parsoid's API when it needs fresh content.

 But, the call I was most interested in, ​/page​/data-parsoid​/{title}​/{revision}​/{tid}, doesn't actually respond (at least not on

Joaquin already responded to this part (thanks Joaquin), so I'll skip this here.

I will respond to your other Parsoid HTML questions / comments by responding to your other post.
