Dear all,

Has anyone figured out how to use Toolforge Build Service for a tool (job + webservice) written in golang?

I'm trying to switch to Toolforge Build Service, but I'm struggling with it.
To debug this, I wrote a minimal job that just prints a hello message to stdout:

Because Toolforge is emulating Heroku, it appears necessary to tell buildpack which binaries should get packaged into the container. The "// +heroku install" comment on line 14 of the following go.mod file seems to do the trick, together with listing the binaries again in a Heroku Procfile:

When running the following command on, the project seems to be built just fine:
$ toolforge build start

Some interesting log message from build service:
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:31.170521374Z Building packages:
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:31.170585858Z   - ./cmd/hello
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:31.170599159Z   - ./cmd/qrank-builder
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:31.170608711Z   - ./cmd/webserver
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563334902Z
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563404532Z [Setting launch table]
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563417703Z Detected processes:
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563427021Z   - hello: hello
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563437573Z   - qrank-builder: qrank-builder
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563446463Z   - webserver: webserver
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.563488376Z   - web: hello
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.577068596Z
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.577163104Z [Discovering process types]
[step-build] 2024-04-30T18:13:44.579933448Z Procfile declares types -> web, qrank-builder, hello

The "web: hello" in the launch table looks very suspicious; it's not what my Procfile states (see link above). But at least the build seems to have been successful:

$ toolforge build show
Build ID: qrank-buildpacks-pipelinerun-vhcrt
Start Time: 2024-04-30T18:13:03Z
End Time: 2024-04-30T18:14:00Z
Status: ok
Message: Tasks Completed: 1 (Failed: 0, Cancelled 0), Skipped: 0
    Source URL:
    Ref: N/A
    Envvars: N/A
Destination Image:

Now, I'd be happy to just run the "hello" job and see its output log. However, when I do this:
$ toolforge jobs run --command hello --image tool-qrank/tool-qrank:latest --mount=all --filelog

The job runs for about five minutes (?!?!), and then:
$ cat hello.out
ERROR: failed to launch: bash exec: argument list too long

So clearly something is off... but what? How to run a golang tool on Toolforge when using Build Service?

Thanks for any help,

— Sascha