Also note that I have a similar query that kind of works but takes much longer to complete then it used to.

Executed in 46.22 seconds as of Wed Jan 29 2020.
Resultset (1480 rows)

Executed in 188.32 seconds as of Wed Apr 15 2020.
Resultset (1480 rows)

So thats about 4 times longer then before on the same data. Well actor table is probably longer, but I assume this will use indexes: `LEFT JOIN actor a ON actor_id = log_actor`.


Maciej Jaros (2020-04-15 23:56):
Not sure if this is an appropriate place to discuss this but I'm not able to run this query:

Even a minor part of this query like below needs a significant time to complete.
   SELECT count(*) as review_count, log_actor
    FROM logging
    WHERE log_type = 'review' AND log_action = 'approve'
    GROUP BY log_actor

I tried with logging_userindex but that don't seem to help. Any chances on adding extra indexes to make such queries work? I think querying log_type and log_actor should be quite common for various user stats.

Even this takes almost 200 seconds to complete:
    SELECT count(*) as review_count, log_actor
    FROM logging_userindex
    WHERE log_type = 'review' AND log_action = 'approve'
    AND log_timestamp >= 20190101000000
    AND log_timestamp <= 20190101235959
    GROUP BY log_actor

Also note that the query
24267 used to work in January 2020. I searched through the list, but haven't found any changes related to the logging table since January.


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