In order to rebuild a server of questionable stability, I'm going to move the following instances on Wednesday:

| Name                     | Tenant ID           | Status |
| cindy                    | pluggableauth       | ACTIVE |
| deployment-kafka-jumbo-1 | deployment-prep     | ACTIVE |
| oidc-google              | pluggableauth       | ACTIVE |
| proton-staging           | reading-web-staging | ACTIVE |
| search-jessie            | search              | ACTIVE |
| smtp-test1               | project-smtp        | ACTIVE |
| suggestbot-prod          | suggestbot          | ACTIVE |
| twlight-prod             | twl                 | ACTIVE |
| twlight-staging          | twl                 | ACTIVE |
| wikibrain-embeddings-02  | wikibrain           | ACTIVE |
| wikikids                 | wmam                | ACTIVE |
| zim-proto                | mobile              | ACTIVE |

Migration will cause the affected instances to be offline for some time (potentially more than an hour depending on the size of the instance) and rebooted.  If you need me work on your server at a particular time of day, or need a stay of execution, please let me know.  Otherwise I'll start going down the list at the beginning of my workday on Wednesday, around 14:00 UTC.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
