Also see

On Jun 7, 2021, at 10:01 AM, David Caro <> wrote:

Shelving is very similar to shutting the VM off, but a bit more complex. The quota for that instance will be deduced
from your quota too, and if not unshelved in a specific amount of time, the VM will be removed. When unshelving, you
will need to have enough quota to get it back.

Currently your server is in 'shelving' status, so it sholud be waiting for it to shut off, once that happens it will
consider it as shelved.
If it's still running in a while feel free to open a ticket so we do some debugging.


On 06/07 09:50, Roy Smith wrote:
Looking in<>, I also see  "Shelve Instance"; what does that do?  I'm actually kind of curious about that last one because in my exploring, I accidentally clicked it, but other than seeing a "shelving" progress bar appear, it doesn't seem to have actually done anything.  My instance is still running normally.  Fingers crossed :-)

On Jun 7, 2021, at 9:20 AM, David Caro <> wrote:

There's actually several ways:
* pause -> will preserve the current running status, with whatever is on ram. It will store the VM ram info on the
hypervisor RAM, so it will stay on the current hypervisor but will be fast to start.
* suspend -> similar as above, but storing the VM ram on disk.
* shut off -> will turn the OS on the VM off, same as turning off a bare metal, the VM OS will stop any processes and
such, and will have to boot when turning it on (slower, but allows moving the VM easily).

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David Caro
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