If you were running a Toolforge web tool in Kubernetes before the toollabs-webservice label changes were deployed on
2021-09-29 (
https://sal.toolforge.org/tools?d=2021-09-29). You may need to run `webservice stop && webservice start` in order to ensure your replica sets have correct label expectations on them going forward. Otherwise you may find confusing states may happen when running webservice restart and similar commands.
When I backfilled the new labels, I missed that you cannot change the label matching rules in a deployment retroactively. I apologize for any inconvenience.
In summary: If you haven’t run a webservice stop since 2021-09-29 on your Kubernetes web service, it would be a good idea to stop and start your webservice now to prevent any confusing behavior from webservice in the future.
Brooke Storm
Staff SRE
Wikimedia Cloud Services