On Thursday we will be migrating most toolforge databases to a new server. This will take place on Thursday at 17:00UTC. During this window ToolsDB will be read-only and most tools that rely on writing to the database will fail.

This migration should take about an hour but unexpected side-effects may extend the downtime.

-- details --

DB outage Thursday: As part of the ongoing effort to upgrade user-created Toolforge databases, we will migrate ToolsDB to a new VM that will have a more recent version of Debian and MariaDB and will use a more resilient storage solution.

The new VM is ready, and we plan to point all tools to use it on Apr, 6 2023 at 17:00 UTC.

This will involve about 1 hour of read-only time for the database. Any existing database connection will be terminated, and if your tool does not reconnect automatically you might have to restart it manually.

An email will be sent shortly before starting the migration, and when it's finished.

Please also make sure your tool is connecting to the database using the canonical hostname tools.db.svc.wikimedia.cloud and not any other hostname or IP address.

For more details, and to report any issue, you can read or leave a comment at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T333471

For more context you can also check out the parent task https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T301949