I opened https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T192422 and depooled labvirt1015 for now.  I don't know that this is actually cause for alarm, but 97 VMs seems like a lot of eggs to have in one basket.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: ** PROBLEM alert - labvirt1015/ensure kvm processes are running is CRITICAL **
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2018 01:17:17 +0000
From: icinga@einsteinium.wikimedia.org
To: abogott@wikimedia.org

Notification Type: PROBLEM

Service: ensure kvm processes are running
Host: labvirt1015

Date/Time: Wed Apr 18 01:17:17 UTC 2018

Notes URLs: 

Additional Info:

PROCS CRITICAL: 97 processes with regex args /usr/bin/kvm