Hi Taavi,

So far, the selected users I've reached out to are maintainers who have their tools sorted in the "Needs Custom Image" column(excluding those needing multistack support)on the grid migration project board[0].

In this next phase, we are slowly expanding the selected users from the hundreds of tools that are still in the 'Backlog' column on the migration board, with emphasis on the ones maintaining Python tools.

The goal is to inform them that there is one more lever available to them for their migration needs and also to let them start getting familiar with the tool they will probably have to use to migrate.

[0]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/grid-engine-to-k8s-migration/

On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 10:40 PM Taavi Väänänen <hi@taavi.wtf> wrote:

On 5/11/23 01:07, Seyram Komla Sapaty wrote:
> Hello Admins,
> The build service is ready for the next phase, and we want to get some
> early users to test it and give early feedback!
> This next step is going to start this Monday, when around 100 tool
> maintainers will kindly receive an email asking them to try and test the
> service.
> The full list will be made available in the task [1]

This is very different from what I was told at the Toolforge Council
meeting last week. My impression was that you'd be reaching to a handful
of maintainers for tools we know that can be migrated to the currently
very "Python web service without any database migrations or other
complications" centric system. How will those maintainers be selected?

> You can read a draft of the email here[2]

Please clarify in the email which features are actually available today
and which are not. Right now the draft gives an impression that push to
deploy is currently supported, which is not true.

> There's still many things to figure out, and many more will show up
> during this phase, your help and input will be critical in shaping this
> service.

This is unfortunately not the impression I have about this project. Most
of the decision-making and coordination still seems to happen in private
and undocumented spaces despite my multiple requests to get involved in
those conversations.
