Most people attending meeting with ops or SOS will be familiar with it, but on this quarter we will have some potentially breaking changes on the mediawiki databases:

* T177208: We have scheduled for the 9th January moving wikidata from "s5" to "s8" to provide dedicated resources to it. dewiki will stay at "s5". Config is already prepared: but it will not be effective until that day, when we will have a read-only period to perform the split. Most of mediawiki should be ok with it, but there could be scripts hardcoding wikidata is on s5 (specially on toolforge scripts- we should coordinate an announcement with cloud there)

* T178359: We now have production multi-instance hosts (meaning multiple instances per physical host). That means that mysql will not be available only on port 3306 (default), you may have to indicate a specific socket (mysql --skip-ssl --socket=/run/mysqld/mysqld.s1.sock) or port (-P3311). You can see the list of hosts on tendril or grafana.

Having this on an email can become handy in case of emergency.


Jaime Crespo