Hi all,

There was no ops meeting this week, here are the things I looked at during clinic duty last week:

* Debugging and fixing PAWS
** https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T183142#3862801
** Pending: Removing the blacklist for overlayfs for paws cluster.
* Wiki-replica analytics high replag reports on mailing list
** Created https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T183983 following the discussion in today's meeting.
** Need to follow up with DBAs

* Followed up on tools and misc high NFS storage utilization (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T183920) and made subtasks for the relevant project admins.

* There were couple reports of the bastion being slow, but both times got resolved by folks other than me before I even got to look at the pings
* Resolved a bunch of toolforge membership requests
* Extended icinga downtime for labtestcontrol2003
* Found puppet staleness in labstore1004 & 5 - Chase has already looked at this and resolved.

* I responded to production pages for pdfrender late night on Christmas Eve and restarted services on scb1001-4 to resolve since I was the only one around.

* The cloud list was active this week!
** People helping yay!
*** https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/cloud/2017-December/000137.html
*** https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/cloud/2017-December/000149.html
** Bryan is awesome at responding to user questions - https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/cloud/2017-December/000136.html
** Concerning long thread on user tables https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/cloud/2017-December/000112.html

That's all I think! 


Madhumitha Viswanathan
Operations Engineer, Cloud Services