Wikimedia News no. 28 - January 14, 2010


This year Italy joined for the first time the annual fundraising campaign launched and organized by Wikimedia Foundation. We made this choice because now we are listed in the register of Associations for Social Promotion, and so the donations we receive are tax deductible; this could attract and encourage further the potential donors. Wikimedia Italy joined the campaign a few weeks later it started because we wanted to be sure to become an APS.

The worldwide result of this year's fundraising has been quite good: the Foundation reached its target of 7.5 million dollars well ahead of schedule. As for WMI, despite the late start and some unexpected obstacle on the way (PayPal blocked our account on Christmas Eve because of the high traffic), the fundraising can overall be judged satisfactory; the final result, with more than 3,300 individual donations, exceeded the forecasts that the hopeful Board members made at its start.

Donation amounted to more than 58,000 euro. After taking the expenses away, approximately 26,000 euro will be sent to Wikimedia Foundation, while approximately 32,000 euro remain available to the Association for promotion and development of our projects.

We take this opportunity to thank especially all the members who wanted and were able to become donors.

It is important to note that the fundraising also created the opportunity for many people to approach to our Association as well as to the projects of the Foundation; between mid-December and early January we enrolled 31 new members. A hearty welcome among us to all of these people!

WMI Treasurer

2010 subscriptions campaign

Social year 2010 started. Everyone who became member of the Association before October 1st, 2009 can renew their membership by sending their share in the usual ways:

In all cases you should always send an email to iscrizioni(presso) with the references and the receipt of the transaction, and any other communications.

Further information is available at: Associazione:Rinnovi 2010.

What will happen

News from our groups

Wikimedia Roma

After the Christmas break we are back with the group. At the end of the month we'll have a meeting to draw up a calendar of upcoming activities.


News from our projects

News from Biblioteca

Publication of Il sapere liberato, a book released under Creative Commons license by LASER Group, is going on.

News from Wiki@Home

The second season of W@H ends with the shift between IlCorda (aka DracoRoboter) and CristianCantoro as project manager. The second season ended with a fall of the number of interviews compared to the previous year; the project should therefore be relaunched in the new season (2009/2010). Note the new format of the project Wiki@Home-Video, with its first reports; the new formula (though still to be defined in detail) must certainly be supported for the upcoming interviews.

We'll try and broaden participation in the project even among users of Wikipedia or Wikinotizie, opening it also to contributions external to the association. We really hope that this will also bring new members to WMI itself; premium Wiki@Home (not awarded in 2008/2009) should be exploited in this regard. Of course, we also seek volunteers within the association, since there is much to be done (maintenance of the pages, proofreading, etc.) To make a new proposal, what about a business card for the wiki-reporters (a related proposal is discussed in depth in Proposal:Wikinews Accredited Reporter Identity Cards)?

News from WMF projects

Monthly strip

See it at (yes, it's in English, don't worry :-) )

Reports from WM-IT may also be found at

ciao, .mau.