Take the survey here >>> https://airtable.com/shrHbh337pDPD8bek

In February 2021, the Wikimedia Foundation’s Board approved a Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) that covers all affiliates, chapters and user group members.* The enforcement and execution process of the Universal Code of Conduct is an important factor in creating a safe, inclusive environment in our affiliates and wiki-workplaces. The UCoC works in tandem with Art+Feminism’s Safe/Brave Space Policy and the Anti-Harassment Working Group Security Toolkit.

At present a process is underway to understand your concerns, thoughts and feedback about the enforcement pathways of bylaws and UCoC. Art+Feminism has created this abbreviated survey (full WMF survey here). 

Please respond in whatever language you’re most comfortable with. You can also choose to upload an audio file, video, or PDF as your response. Please complete this survey by April 18th 11:59 pm EST. Survey responses will be compiled into a report for WMF. Send any questions to security@artandfeminism.org.

*Art+Feminism provided feedback to the WMF on the first-phase of UCoC development. You can read it here.

Take the survey here >>> https://airtable.com/shrHbh337pDPD8bek


Kira Wisniewski, Executive Director