On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 1:33 AM Sadik Shahadu <sadik@artandfeminism.org> wrote:
Dear all,

I am excited to share some of the latest updates from the Ghanaian Wikipedia communities that I am currently supporting as part of the A+F West African language project. As you may be aware, the Gurene Wikipedia was approved last month, and this week, the Ghanaian Pidgin and the Fante Wikipedia incubators have also been approved. I started the West African language project to initially support the Dagbani, the Gurene, and the Ghanaian Pidgin language Wikis in Ghana. Four more languages are coming on board!

Impressive. Interesting. Inspirational.

Can you share a bit more info and add links?
What are the sizes of those populations? 
How different are those languages?
I struggle to support well Incubation of Montenegrin Wikipedia
which is bluntly blocked for creation of new articles by an admin, 
without community process. One brilliant test-admin left
*(she is amazing feminist social scientist) and a single other
contributor is left (she is a tough coder willing to fight more). 

Now language committee is casually discussing to block it,
though Montenegrin is standard language of country, 
with 604.000 inhabitants and unique letters to latin script 
IMHO it is very patronizing to want to block incubation
without actually knowing much about the region and needs.

Is anyone able to advise on this situation? https://w.wiki/6der

Best Z.