
As you may know, WMF has completely redone their grants program. We are applying for two-year funding for a Wikimedia Community Grant, covering January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2023.

We invite you, as an important stakeholder of the organization, to review and give feedback between now and October 28, 2021.  Please use whichever version you’re most comfortable with (please note, WMF has moved to Fluxx for grants and no longer will be using meta for grant applications; this version on Meta is for the purpose of community review).

It is linked in both versions, but here is a direct link to the proposed budget:

Please note, in the next board meeting, it will be an action item to approve this budget.

We value your insight if you have the ability to review, but if you do not have capacity during this time, of course we understand. Please let us know if you have any questions.

In solidarity,

Amber Berson

Kira Wisniewski

Melissa Tamani

Mohammed Sadat Abdulai

Nina Yeboah

Art+Feminism Leadership Team*

*Alphabetical by first name


Kira Wisniewski, Executive Director
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