This is awesome, thanks Erik!

In conjunction, there are similar ganglia metrics of these numbers on each of the udp2log boxes. Example:

You can see a similar breakdown of packet_loss_average per role.  These roles are defined by the pybal config:

The packet_loss_average metric is sampled at a 1/10 level instead of 1/1000, so it will be slightly more accurate.  However, these metrics don't weight anything, so if there is any loss from a role that has very few requests, the average will be skewed.

Having both of these available for troubleshooting is very useful.

Thanks again!


On Jul 29, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Erik Zachte <> wrote:

Hi all,
Over the years we've had several serious issues with huge underreporting on page view data due to message loss on udp2log.
There are now several diagnostic tools: alerts are sent and there is real-time monitoring
But none of those help to quantify total monthly loss.
I upgraded an existing csv file to html report, to be updated monthly.
This reports show total monthly message loss as a percentage, plus a breakdown of message loss and traffic volume by server role and location.
Basic idea behind the report is that as we use 1:1000 sampling, for each squid server we should find sequence numbers between logged messages to be 1000 apart, on average.
If we actually find they are 1050 apart that translates into 4.7% data loss.
I use a weighted average for calculating total percentage data loss, taking into account data volume per server cluster, and ignoring servers where the sequence number mechanism is still broken (ssl servers).
Role and implementation of udp2log are in flux. But in any setup it would be good to have such overall assessment of loss.
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