Good news! As of Feb 1st UTC 0:00, we have pagelevel and project level counts for wikidata. the acronym for Wikidata is 'wd'. If you have any questions please let me know; bugs can be filed in Bugzilla under Analytics -> webstatscollector.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Ed Summers, 31/01/2013 12:14:

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Jörn Hees <> wrote:
afaik it's the other way around: aggregates the data from the pagecounts-raw dumps.

Oh right! I never noticed the hostname changing when I clicked on the
"data available here" link on :-) That actually makes me
feel a lot better knowing the data collection is happening on a
wikimedia server.

The results you list are from the normal wikipedias in the different languages, so i guess wikidata stats are not collected yet.
I'd also be very interested in that data to combine it with linked data…

Does anyone know who/what collects the pagecounts-raw dumps on

Technically speaking, it's called webstatscollector. For instance here wikivoyage was added: aggregates all new data automatically although it doesn't expose it in the interface, you opnly have to know the prefix used in the raw data.


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