Using the dumps is the best way to go through that many pages daily.

Chico Venancio 
(+55 98) 9 8800 2743

Em qua, 27 de fev de 2019 às 11:01, John Bohannon <> escreveu:


I'm hoping to get advice on how we should approach the following challenge...

I am building a public website that will provide information that is automatically harvested from online news articles about the work of scientists. The goal is to make it easier to create and maintain scientific content on Wikipedia.

Here's some news about the project: 

And here is the prototype of the site: 

What I am working on now is a self-updating version of this site. 

The goal is to provide daily refreshed information for scientists most likely to be missing from Wikipedia. 

For now I am focusing on English-language news and English-language Wikipedia. Eventually this will expand to other languages.

The  ~100 scientists shown on any given day are selected from ~100k scientists that the system is tracking for news updates.

So here's the challenge:  

To choose the 100 scientists most in need of an update on Wikipedia, we need to query Wikipedia each day for the 100k scientists to see if they have an article yet, and if so to get its content (to check if we have new information).

I am getting throttled by the Wikipedia servers. 100k is a lot of queries.

What is the most polite, sanctioned method for programmatic access to Wikipedia for a daily job on this scale?

Many thanks for help/advice!

John Bohannon
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