There was work to try to formalize and collect this data, it's part of this schema:  But development is stalled on this code review:

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Jaime Crespo <> wrote:
Hi, Nick,

I am not in analytics, but, assuming you mean the English language Wikipedia, the all the internal links and the external links are available for download in sql format at: - (search "pagelinks" and "externallinks"). The latest dump is runing now, it may be ready in a few days, too. They are quite large because they include the text and other properties, but with very little automation, it is easy to count the pairs in the direction you want. You may need the "all-titles" or "all-titles-on-ns0" files, too, to reference page ids.

Maybe someone else can offer an easier option?

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 4:42 PM, Nick Bell <> wrote:

 Dear Analytics Team,

I’m doing a project on Wikipedia for my Maths degree, and I was hoping you could help me acquire some data about Wikipedia.

I would like to get the number of incoming internal links and outgoing internal links for every page, if possible. I could limit this if needs be, as I am aware this totals around 11 million values.

I have minimal programming experience, so if this is unreasonable or impossible please let me know. I very much appreciate your time considering my request.


Many thanks,

Nicholas Bell

Mathematics Undergraduate

University of Bristol

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Jaime Crespo

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