It's nice to finally this go live. Great work guys!!
> _______________________________________________
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 11:50 PM, Dan Andreescu
<> wrote:
> Dear Data Enthusiasts,
> In collaboration with the Services team, the analytics team wishes to
> announce a public Pageview API. For an example of what kind of UIs someone
> could build with it, check out this excellent demo (code).
> The API can tell you how many times a wiki article or project is viewed over
> a certain period. You can break that down by views from web crawlers or
> humans, and by desktop, mobile site, or mobile app. And you can find the
> 1000 most viewed articles on any project, on any given day or month that we
> have data for. We currently have data back through October and we will be
> able to go back to May 2015 when the loading jobs are all done. For more
> information, take a look at the user docs.
> After many requests from the community, we were really happy to finally make
> this our top priority and get it done. Huge thanks to Gabriel, Marko, Petr,
> and Eric from Services, Alexandros and all of Ops really, Henrik for
> maintaining stats.grok, and, of course, the many community members who have
> been so patient with us all this time.
> The Research team’s Article Recommender tool already uses the API to rank
> pages and determine relative importance. Wiki Education Foundation’s
> dashboard is going to be using it to count how many times an article has
> been viewed since a student edited it. And there are other grand plans for
> this data like “article finder”, which will find low-rated articles with a
> lot of pageviews; this can be used by editors looking for high-impact work.
> Join the fun, we’re happy to help get you started and listen to your ideas.
> Also, if you find bugs or want to suggest improvements, please create a task
> in Phabricator and tag it with #Analytics-Backlog.
> So what’s next? We can think of too many directions to go into, for
> pageview data and Wikimedia project data, in general. We need to work with
> you to make a great plan for the next few quarters. Please chime in here
> with your needs.
> Team Analytics
> Engineering mailing list
Alexandros Kosiaris <>
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