Comparing it to it do seem low indeed.

Med vänliga hälsningar,
Jan Ainali

Verksamhetschef, Wikimedia Sverige 
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Bli medlem.

2015-05-23 0:14 GMT+02:00 Luis Villa <>:
68,000 searches/day seems *really* low, even by my pretty low expectations - I would have guessed something like 1% of visitors, which (with 200M page views a day) means I'm off by an order of magnitude, more or less. Am I just that far off or is the data still a WIP, or some combination of the two?


On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Michael Holloway <> wrote:

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 5:35 PM, Oliver Keyes <> wrote: - boop! This was my Friday. Previously
we were playing around with them and testing what we needed with a
static snapshot; these dashboards will now update once a day with new

It has turned up some bugs ("is the mobile schema just not running?")
and there are more metrics to add. But for the time being, is progress

Oliver Keyes
Research Analyst
Wikimedia Foundation

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Luis Villa
Sr. Director of Community Engagement
Wikimedia Foundation
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