I did a quick check on tools-login to see if labs replication is affected - and it's oddly not.

frwiki, ruwiki, and jawiki have data from a few hours ago in a couple of tables.  So maybe people could use labs db for a while until this is fixed.  This also means that wikimetrics is unaffected.

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Toby Negrin <tnegrin@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Thanks Christian -- appreciate the work and the heads-up.


On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Christian Aistleitner <christian@quelltextlich.at> wrote:

just a quick heads up that the analytics slave for s6 (frwiki, jawiki,
ruwiki) seems to not be replicating since 2013-10-28 ~07:15. I filed
an RT ticket. But if your scripts rely on the slave, expect the
numbers to be off until the problem has been fixed.

We know that at least the following graphs (and corresponding CSVs)
are affected:

We'll rerun data aggregation for them after the problem has been
fixed. So expect the numbers for >=2013-10-28 to jump after the fix.

Best regards,

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
                           Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
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