AFAIK we don't update the V4 database either. When we fix this, we should fix both. I'll link, but not dup the bugs.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 4:02 PM, Diederik van Liere <> wrote:
Those two issues are separate: automatic updating ip6 database and getting the databases into HDFS. But I also would like to remind us that we should not conflate bugs and infrastructure tasks: the fact that ip6 is not automatic updated is not so much of a bug: we don't have a subscription (because it does not exist) it was never written in the first place. Let's really use bugzilla for bugs. 

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Christian Aistleitner <> wrote:
Hi Toby,

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 03:28:30PM -0700, Toby Negrin wrote:
> thanks Christian -- should I combine this with the bug for the IPV4
> database?

Sorry. Seems I got confused what 53762 was about. To me, it read like
it's about getting up-to-date GeoIP databases into HDFS, and about
generally making older database versions available.

Bug 54191 was meant to cover getting up-to-date IPv6 databases onto
the plain file system of stats1 and stats1002. If that's implicitly
included in 53762, then obviously: Yes, let's join them.

Best regards,

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
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