>I am hoping we can recover the garbled usernames from the raw JSON logs, 
Please have in mind that we have logs only from the last 90 days. 

Now, we shall be able to recover from the logs the user_names with character set utf-8. Note that the encoding issue does not apply only just to user names but actually to any string who can have a non-asciii value in all event logging schemas, not just this one.

See, for example, the following record from the logs:

{"clientValidated": true, "event": {"campaign": "", "displayMobile": true, "isSelfMade": true, "returnTo": "\u062e\u0627\u0635:\u0645\u0631\u0641\u0648\u0639\u0627\u062a", "token": "", "userBuckets": "", "userId": 725222, "userName": "<removed>"}, "recvFrom": "mw1087", "revision": 5487345, "schema": "ServerSideAccountCreation", "seqId": 53258317, "timestamp": 1389610463, "uuid": "013953cf77a2585e983b491f2d4a2388", "webHost": "ar.wikipedia.org", "wiki": "arwiki"}

Encoding in python2 is a notorious pain and hard to get right so to fixing this will mean not just "restoring" records from logs but also it involves changing database connection args, bindings and database types. Not a huge deal, but I just want to point out that fixing the issue goes beyond repopulating the records.

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Dario Taraborelli <dtaraborelli@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I am hoping we can recover the garbled usernames from the raw JSON logs, but you’re correct about username changes. For project level counts, though, they should not dramatically affect the accuracy of new registration numbers.

On Jun 5, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Aaron Halfaker <ahalfaker@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Regretfully, looking up a user in Centralauth requires the use of a username.   Then again, you'd need to join with a user table (with user_id) anyway since users can be renamed after they create their account and that name change won't be reflected in ServerSideAccountCreation.  

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Steven Walling <swalling@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Dario Taraborelli <dtaraborelli@wikimedia.org> wrote:

• Use event_userId whenever possible

This is really a best practice everyone should follow in all analysis. Unless you're qualitatively interested in the contents of usernames, any analysis that uses unique names instead of ids should probably be treated as highly suspect. 

Steven Walling,
Product Manager

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