Hi all,

I’m working on a project about the sharing of the cultural heritage and, more in general, about the sharing of the open knowledges.
In particular, I'm developing a webservice that use the Mediawiki API and I'd like to have some stats about the traffic of my api calls to the commons.wikipedia.org domain.

More specifically,  I'd like to have:
- the number of GET Requests by Api-User-Agent
- the number of views/edit by Api-User-Agent
- the stats of the Wikipedia traffic from inbound links by a specif domain or url

Is this possible somehow to access to these limited non-public data?
Is there a procedure that I can follow?

The project is still in development, but next April we will release a beta version for a limited range of users-testers.
The project is completely non-profit and it would provide maximum freedom, independence and privacy for its users.
That’s why, I’d like to have from backend some stats by api-user-agent: that would guarantees the total privacy of the user, and, at the same time, the project could have some general stats about the traffic, the utilisation and its impact on the general Wikimedia stats.

If someone among you is interested in these issues (open-shared-cultural heritage, open linked data), I’d like to keep in touch and, even, to propose to partecipate as tester in April.

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,

Viviana Paga