Hi Sajjad,

Thanks for your note. The WMF Language Engineering team is also starting to work on tooling our language extensions and tools for collecting a diverse set of metrics on various language wiki projects including Indic wikis.

We look forward to coordinating with you as well as let me know if you have any specific questions we can help you with. Is there any technical spec on the overall project + tools, apis you plan to use for collecting the metrics you've mentioned above.

Look forward to hearing from you.

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:38 AM, Sajjad Anwar <me@sajjad.in> wrote:
Hello everyone,

My name is Sajjad. Me and my colleague Sumandro are working on a
project with The Centre for Internet and Society
(http://cis-india.org/), India, to visualise the activities on Indic
Wikipedia projects. We have already developed a few basic
visualisations. You can see our work here:

We are writing to you to ask for some help for our further work plans.

The next round of visualisation involves mainly two aspects:

1.  Edits by geography - We wanted to see from where people are
contributing to the Indic Wikipedia projects around the world. A city
level data will be perfect for us to visualize this. Hence we want
total edits for a Indic Wikipedia project from a particular location
for a given period (preferably, per year)

2. Most edited articles and edit wars - We would like to explore the
most edited articles per project and see if it is possible to
visualise edit wars. For this we are looking for total edit counts
(number of instances and volume of edit) for each article (given a
threshold) for each Indic Wikipedia project per year.

Jessie Wild suggested that we write to this list for pointers in terms
of the data.

Please let us know if any of you have worked with or if you can help
us get hold of the relevant data.

Thank you so much!


Sajjad Anwar | http://sajjad.in | @geohacker

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Alolita Sharma 
Director of Engineering 
Language Engineering (i18n/L10n)
Wikimedia Foundation