On 19 March 2015 at 19:06, Oliver Keyes <okeyes@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Okay. So, to summarise:

1. Android uses sections=all for refreshes
2. iOS uses sections=all for pageviews, generally
3. iOS is shortly to also use sections=all for refreshes

Yes, with the exception that there will always be some people who have not updated their iOS app and will continue to use section=0 for their page views. Alas, it is an app, so this happens.
...1, 2 and 3 will all look the same, minus UA differences between (1) and (2,3)

IOW, there is shortly to be no visible difference, from server-side,
between a "refresh" and a "pageview", for iOS users. Do I understand
correctly? If so, I have some ideas for how we could mitigate this
problem and make pageviews viable again *purses fingers*.

I believe so.

What are your ideas?


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation